What is the Legal Age of Consent in Cyprus?

Published Categorized as Cyprus
Legal Age of Consent in Cyprus

The minimum legal age of consent in Cyprus is 17 years. Individuals aged 16 or younger in Cyprus are not legally able to consent to sexual activity, and such activity may result in prosecution for statutory rape or the equivalent local law.

17 years is the minimum age at which an individual is considered legally old enough to consent to participation in sexual activity in Cyprus.

The establishment of a minimum age for sexual consent, the age at which a child can decide to have sex with someone, aims to protect children from abuse or the consequences of early sexual activity, such as early pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases.

Cyprus’s statutory rape law is violated when an individual has consensual sexual contact with a person under the age of 17. Also, it is also illegal to perform sexual acts with a minor between 12 and 17 when taking advantage of their inexperience.

Is 16 minor in Cyprus?

Yes, 16 is a minor in Cyprus. Parents, legal guardians, or appointed representatives shall act on his/her behalf in official matters.

Is it illegal to date a minor in Cyprus?

Is it illegal to date a minor in Cyprus?

Dating someone who is less than 17 years is fine in Cyprus as long as you don’t involve in sexual activities with them.

It is illegal to perform sexual activities with a minor in Cyprus. Anyone who engages in a major sexual act with or under 17 years of age, or causes him/her to do it with another person, is punished with imprisonment from one to ten years.

Can you get married at 16 in Cyprus?

Yes, you can get married at 16 in Cyprus. You can date at 15, and be in a relationship at 15, but it’s illegal to marry at 15 years of age. The legal age for marriage in Cyprus is 16 years with consent.

The age of consent for Pornography in Cyprus is also 18 years. You would be in jail if you are less than 18 years old and acted/act in Pornographic movies.

You would also be jailed if you are found owning some pornographic media that involves someone who is less than 18 years old in Cyprus.

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