Is Polygamy Legal in Poland? [Updated: 2023]

Published Categorized as Poland
Is Polygamy Legal in Poland?

No, Polygamy isn’t legal in Poland. In fact, marriage to more than one person is a crime in Poland. The Polish government does not recognize marriages with multiple spouses. Polygamy and Polyandry are both illegal in Poland.

Polygamy and Polish Visa Law

Polygamy in Poland and Poland visa program

According to Polish visa law, you can only bring one wife with you to Portugal through family reunification. If you have two wives, it is considered illegal in Poland.

It is impossible to apply for both wives of an applicant under the Polish Visa program. As Poland does not recognize polygamy marriages, if you decide to apply for a residence permit, it would only be possible to apply for one of your wives for family regrouping purposes.

Can a Muslim marry two wives in Poland?

Can a Muslim marry two wives in Poland?

No, a Muslim cannot marry two wives in Poland. The rule applies to all people of all religions. The Polish government does not recognize marriages with multiple spouses.

You can only marry another woman once you divorce your first wife. When all the settlements are done, then only you can marry another woman.

Click here to read in detail about divorce in Poland.

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