Is IVF Legal in Poland? [Updated: 2023]

Published Categorized as Poland
Is IVF Legal in Poland?

IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) is legal in Poland, however, only married or cohabiting opposite-sex couples are allowed to receive IVF treatment in the country on the condition that they have a history of infertility treatment.

For those of you who don’t know what IVF is, it is one of several techniques available to help people with fertility problems have a baby. During IVF, an egg is removed from the woman’s ovaries and fertilized with sperm in a laboratory. The fertilized egg, called an embryo, is then returned to the woman’s womb to grow and develop.

Conditions of IVF treatment in Poland

Conditions of IVF treatment in Poland

Egg donation is done anonymously. The egg donor’s age should be between 18 to 35. Potential donors must register with the National Register of Donors which is controlled by the Polish Ministry of Health.

A single woman and a same-sex couple cannot undergo IVF treatment in Poland.

Egg donation cost ranges between 18,500 zl to 30,000 zl. The average egg donation success rate in Poland is around 56%.

The maximum number of children born from the same egg donor or sperm donor is 10.

There is no limit on the patient’s age. It is not specified by the legislation. It is decided by each clinic individually.

Gender selection is only allowed if there is a medical reason. It is not allowed for family balancing reasons.

The maximum number of eggs to fertilize is 6, unless the patient is 35 years old.

Egg freezing is permitted.

Why choose Poland for IVF or Egg Donation?

Why choose Poland for IVF or Egg Donation?

Poland has become one of the most attractive European IVF destinations in 2023. The Polish cities most willingly chosen by IVF patients are Warsaw, Gdansk, Wroclaw, Poznan, and Katowice.

The following are the reasons why you should choose Poland for IVF:

  • High-quality medical services
  • Low cost to undergo IVF
  • English-speaking medical staff
  • No age limit in regard to female patients
  • Egg or sperm or embryo donation is allowed in Poland

Egg Donor’s Qualifications

Donors are required to test negative for some serious infectious diseases.

Candidates for egg and sperm donors have to undergo psychological screening in fertility clinics, too.

Donor qualification tests required by law as follows:

  • Anti–HIV–1 and HIV–2
  • HBsAg
  • Anti–HBc
  • Anti–HCV–AB
  • Chlamydia
  • VDRL
  • Anti–RHD antibody
  • CMV
  • Malaria
  • Trypanosomosis

Where can I find information on IVF clinics in Poland?

Where can I find information on IVF clinics in Poland?

Fertility clinics in Poland are inspected regularly at least once per year, and they need a license to operate. The focus of the inspections is to see what clinics are adhering to the standards set out.

Polish private IVF clinics offer modern facilities as well as the competent and professional medical staff.

IVF clinics in Poland need accreditation from the Polish Minister of Health in order to operate legally.

The data on accredited assisted reproduction units and embryo banks in Poland can be found in the Register of ART Units and Germ Cells and Embryo Banks Registry, which is available here.

Embryo donation in Poland

Couples who have concluded their fertility treatments, but still have extra embryos can store them for up to 20 years or give them up for adoption.

After twenty years the embryos are automatically given up for adoption and the process does not require the patient’s consent.

Destroying viable embryos is illegal and can be punished by up to five years in prison.

How long does IVF take to get pregnant?

How long does IVF take to get pregnant in Poland?

One cycle of IVF takes about two months.

Women younger than age 35 will get pregnant and have a baby with their first IVF egg retrieval and subsequent embryo transfer(s) about half the time

Is IVF a painful process?

IVF isn’t a painful process. However, patients take an oral sedative prior to the transfer to relax the cervix. For a day or two after treatment, patients may experience some abdominal cramping.

Are IVF babies normal?

IVF children are as normal as other children concerning their mental and physical attributes. “Test tube baby” is a term sometimes used by the media to refer to children conceived with in vitro fertilization (IVF).

If you have any questions regarding IVF treatment in Poland, please let us know in the comment section below.

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