Is DMAA Legal in Portugal? [Updated: 2023]

Published Categorized as Portugal
Is DMAA Legal in Portugal?

DMAA is illegal in Portugal and all over Europe. DMAA is an amphetamine derivative that has been marketed in sports performance and weight loss products, many of which are sold as dietary supplements.

DMAA (1,3-dimethylamylamine) is not a dietary ingredient, and DMAA-containing products marketed as dietary supplements are illegal and their marketing violates the law.

Is DMAA still sold outside Portugal?

DMAA has been illegal for use as an ingredient in dietary supplements since 2013, but many dietary supplement products that contain (or at least claim to contain) DMAA are still available for sale in many countries.

Is it safe to consume DMAA?

The FDA (United States Food and Drug Administration) does not have any information to demonstrate that consuming DMAA is safe. When DMAA is added to a product marketed as a dietary supplement, the FDA considers it to be an unsafe food additive.

Why do bodybuilders take DMAA?

Bodybuilders take DMAA because of its high potency, and it can drastically boost performance and exercise capacity.

DMAA is a neurological stimulant that causes a quick spike of energy similar to caffeine and other classical stimulants but does so by different mechanisms in the brain.

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